Workshops, Trainings, and Seminars

Workshops, Trainings, and Seminars 

Sattva Institute offers a wide range of workshop, webinars, and trainings both in person and on-line. These workshops are based on meditations, and mindfulness techniques and understandings from the Eastern Schools of Wisdom as well as the latest scientific work from the Trauma Resolution and Healing research. The Classes and Seminar include teachings, inquiry, guided meditations, movements, and expressions and more. All of which are designed around the fundamental principal of all or our work. That humans have an intrinsic ability to heal, and are at the core, whole and well, while at the same time having very real and blocks, barriers, and personality patterns that stop us from Experiencing this essential wholeness at our core.



Numbness, anxiety, doubt, jealousy, frustration, and disconnection are the result of how we experience life as we lose touch with the deeper aspects of who we are. Our purpose with these Seminars and Workshops as well as our individual sessions is support people with tools, insights, and experiences to begin to remove those barriers that stop us from connecting with the deeper qualities of joy, love, connection and aliveness that are at our core.

The results are: Life Changing

All of these groups can be adjusted for in person or on line presentations, and can be for weekend times frames or week long residential style retreats.  This is only a partial list of what is available from the Sattva Team.  Contact us for more information.

This is a partial list of course available through Sattva:

Dimensions of Authentic Self


In this Live webinar we will explore the difference between our True, or Essential Nature and our Personality.  Osho has described the personality as a mask or conditioned ego structure that hides the light of our Being or Buddha consciousness.  Through meditation, teachings, and shared exploration, we will begin to experience and more fully understand what stops us from living in our authentic self, and how this keeps us from feeling joy, flow, and a fundamental sense of love and aliveness.

As we begin to uncover these aspects of our Essential Being, we can allow these qualities to grow, and deepen. In this way we will begin regaining lost parts of ourselves and can uncover, and remember and experience aspects of Essence such a Love, Self-Worth, Trust, Compassion and Authentic Joy

Wisdom of the Body


Our present culture has created a deep disconnect to the physical body. Reconnecting to the body is a way to deepen understanding on all levels: physical well-being and health, emotional realignment and resilience and spiritual growth and understanding.

Healing – body, mind and spirit can only happen when we are present with and connected to our bodies.

Join Punitama and Deva Arani as we explore foundational techniques to connect with our bodies, release trauma and dis ease, and learn to tap into our bodies internal and infinite wisdom.

Each session is designed to bring us into our bodies and through that essential doorway into presence.

To Register and for More Information

How Embracing Your Shadow Can Lead to a Greater Sense of Aliveness and Joy, and a Deeper Connection with Life

Guilt, Fear, Shame, Anger, Rage…..The Shadow Side

Often in life we tend to minimize, hide, ignore, or suppress these unwanted emotions, feelings, and judgements, or the Shadow or Dark side of our being.  When we do this, these feelings and forces don’t go away but remain under the surface where they often unconsciously control our actions and thinking. In addition, they take up a tremendous amount of life force which is not available for us to experience love, joy and to be creative with.

How well can you live, love, and connect if you are only half present?

In order to make room for more positive experiences we need to consciously feel and accept these unexpressed shadow feelings. Then, we can regain a deeper sense of peace and well-being, and deepen the wonder of our experience of being alive.

In this live webinar, which will include inquiry, Mindfullness meditations, sharing exercises , Trauma work,  and movement,  we will consciously and in a safe and real way begin to explore, expose, and experience these dark places. We will learn the tools with which to include  and accept our shadow sides.

Deepening the Wonder

When this begins to happen we are more available to notice, and experience the Wonder of our life journey in which all aspects of the human condition are included.

Radical Honesty.

The Path to Living in a Real and Honest Way.


A New Day- Meditation and Celebration Retreat

The Essential Man

Strength, Purpose and Commitment



In this 4-week Live Webinar we will explore several of the basic themes that we as Men often struggle with.  We will do this through a combination of Inquiry, Special exercises, Movement, Meditation and Witnessed sharing.

We will closely examine the 3 areas of Strength, Purpose and Commitment.  Each of these areas stand-alone but more importantly work and are deeply woven together, when held as a single field.  When we falter in any of these 3 areas, we often can lose a sense of ourselves, lose touch with the other 2 areas and begin to approach our life, relationships and work with a sense of confusion and frustration.

The foundation of our work will be based on the search for what is the fundamental nature of our Essence as men.

What is the Essential Man?

This 4- week course will be held in the foundation of Spiritual Awakening.  We will look in depth at how we show up in each of these areas, and how we can transform ourselves as confident loving men in a space of strength and true power, living our purpose, and commitment.

The Art of Relationship and Authentic Connection


Intimacy, Vulnerability and Confidence.

Learn and Explore what is needed to created authentic relationships with people, your partner, and with life– Connections that are nourishing, rewarding and fulfilling.

Presence, Shadow and Deep Peace

This 4 day teaching retreat is an opportunity to come together with other Path of Love graduates to connect, explore and deepen the journey of self exploration in the Path of Love format, combining teachings, meditation, exposure work ,  and self-inquiry.

This retreat will challenge the fundamental split and fear inside that keeps us in denial, as we explore the darkness that acts out in our lives and relationships. We will simultaneously uncover the exquisite peace and quietude that is our fundamental nature. Being neither stuck in denial nor driven by agitation, we can then be open to receiving the guidance of Grace, and source our actions from Presence and Compassion.

Tendency to Shine

Awakening of Love

Other Courses, Retreats and Seminars

Presence, Passion, and Purpose- 4 Day workshop 

Silencing the Inner Critic – 4 Day Workshop 

Dance of the Chakras- 2 Day workshop 

Path of Love- 7 Day Retreat 

Man/Women- Intimacy, Love, Freedom 

Connection and Vulnerability- The Way of the Heart 

Meditation and Mindfulness.  The Art of Being Here 

Quantum Light Breath- The Joy of Being 

A variety of Courses designed for Corporate wellness programs and presentation.